Bind's list
Type /bindlist to check out all your binds today!
Contents:I Talking
II Weaponary/Class
III Multi-Binding
IV Color Codes
V Keys available
I Talking:These binds are ways to interact with another person quicker than to type the sentance.
To make a bind where everyone can see type:
/bind [key] say Hey!
To make a bind where only your team can to see type:
/bind [key] say_team Quick, retreat to base!
To make a bind where you can spam without admin type:
/bind [key] say_area SPAM!
II Weaponary/Class: These binds are for quick evolution and buying weapons without going into the armory and fiddling around in there.
Weapon Codes:Construction Kit = ckit
Adv. Construction Kit = ackit
Riffle = riffle
Painsaw = psaw
Shotgun = shotgun
Las Gun = lgun
Mass Driver = mdriver
Pulse Riffle = priffle
Chaingun = chaingun
Flame Thrower = flamer
Lucifer Cannon = lcannon
Grenade = nade
Upgrade Codes:Light Armour = larmour
Battery Back = battpack
Jet pack = jetpack
Battlesuit = bsuit
Helmet = helmet
Other Codes:sell weapon = You sell the weapon you're currently holding
sell upgrades = You sell your light armour, helmet etc...
buy lcannon = You buy a lucifer cannon.
* /bind [key] "sell upgrades;sell weapons;buy lcannon;buy bsuit
* Remeber to type " before you go to do the bind above, tremulous console will only show a ' so make sure you type the "
More on Multi-Binding below.
Class Codes:Class builder = Granger
Class level1 = Basilisk
Class level1upg = Adv. Basilisk
Class level2 = Marauder
Class level2upg = Adv. Marauder
Class level3 = Dragoon
Class level3upg = Adv. Dragoon
Class level4 = Tyrant
/bind [key] class level2
III Multi-Binding:These binds allow you to say more than one sentance at a time on one single key, saving you other keys for other
binds. Another thing with multi-binding is you have to include " and ; The " goes after the key number/letter and
the ; goes at the end of each sentance. These symbols are a must when it comes to multi-binding. The " acts as
rope to hold everything together while the ; just acts as a full stop.
Example: /bind [key] say "Vampire Sudden Death;type !info vampire in console for more on VSD
IV Color Codes:These are the colors that you can use to spice up your in-game name and binds. To make a color appear, hold shift
then press 6 and press a number key.
Colors:Red = ^1
Green = ^2
Yellow = ^3
Blue = ^4
Cyan = ^5
Purple/Pink ^6
White = ^7
Black =^8
^7i^1Andie would show up as
V Keys Available:The following keys are available to bind, binds onto.
F1, F2, F3, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
u, i, o,p, g, h, j, k, l, n, m (Other letters are probley used for gameplay)
[, ]
ctrl, alt, del, pgup, pgdn, rightarrow, leftarrow, uparrow, downarrow